Friday, June 25, 2010

It's just like riding a bike...

That is an extremely common phrase and applies for anyone over the age of 10. We took the training wheels off Ry's bike last week and we had our first accident today. He bit it hard! He face planted on the sidewalk, but luckily enough there was not damage!

He was a trooper and got back on "the horse". He is getting the hang of it. He'll be even better when he learns to keep his hands still and look forward!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Great Thing Happened Today

Kate took her first steps! She had been standing up for about 2 weeks now, but today was the day she walked all by herself! She took 3 steps on 2 separate occasions!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day Out With Thomas (the Train)

This past Friday (6-18) Jen, Ry, and I wen out to see Thomas the Train in Connersville, IN. Ry had an absolute blast! We took a 25 minute train ride, played putt putt, rode behind a tractor, rode a pony, and played in a bounce house. There was so much too do and we did it all!

We also took off the training wheels off his bike. Jen and I have held on to him while he peddles away. He will yell at people letting them know that he only has 2 wheels.

One last thing about Ryan is that he is learning to swim. We put floaties on his arms and he goes to town. He is loving the water. Now he needs to feel comfortable with getting his head underwater!

Kate is starting to stand on her own. She is not braving any steps, but she can balance herself for a good 10 seconds. She will walk when she realizes she can get around much faster. She still is eating more than her brother and sleeping like a champ 7 to 8. She does take after her mother!

Kate LOVES splashing in her water table any time we go outside that is the first thing she wants to do. We thought she would like the pool just as much, but I guess it just depends on her mood. The three times she has been has been a 1 hate it, 1 love it, and 1 very antsy. I'm sure she'll get use to it and have fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Time, Summer Time, Sum, Sum, Sum, Summer Time

It is here! We are 3 days in and having a blast!
We have not done anything too exciting yet, but we have big plans you have to stayed tuned to find out.

Kate is not being brave enough to take steps on her own, but we will be patient. Her appitate is great! She eats more than Ry all the time. She has the long vowel I sound down pat. Hi, Ry, Bye are staples in her vocab. She can also get out a mama. Still waiting for a dada.

Ry is finially finished with soccer (this was not as fun as it has been). He is going through a faze of fake farting. It is quite funny, but we never let him know! The other day we went to Golf Club of Indiana and putted and chipped. He had a blast. I like doing this with him and he hit some pretty nice shots! He loves to watch chips roll towards the hill. Next time I may brave taking him the bunker since he loves the sand.
I'll be back next week to explain our adventure.