Thursday, December 18, 2008

The big news:

We found out today that Ryan is going to have a little sister:) His first reaction when I told him at school was to cry, and say I want t a brother. This will come back to haunt him in the future!

Everyone is doing just fine. Jen is feeling much better, but just tired. The little one is the correct size. Ryan is asking question after question. I love his rising intonation and should I's.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving/1st Snow Fall

Ryan and three of the four cousins playing "Simon Says" with Papa.

Thanksgiving was great! We were in Griffith for a couple days. We saw my parents, my brother and his family and my sister (when she was not sick). My Aunt Stacia and Uncle Mike also stopped by to say hello. Grandma Spanburg joined for dinner on Wednesday too. We ate at Trevor Trains (I think that is the name). Ryan LOVED watching the trains and riding in the large one too!
Ryan sure enjoyed playing with his cousins. He absolutely LOVES Avery (six years old). He follows her around like a little puppy dog.

11-30, Sunday morning brought the first snow fall! Ryan and I enjoyed playing in it and building a snowman. Mom did not get to enjoy the fun becuase she was enjoying a birthday massage. I must have pulled Ryan around on the sled for an hour. We would slide off the patio and get a bit of air time. Ryan would giggle and say "do it again."

12-1 Jen turned 30 today. She took it like a champ. It did not really phase her one bit. Unless she is hiding something from us. We had a bit of a surprise party for her at Carolina Grill (wow that place is terrific!). All her teammates, friends, sister, and my parents were there to enjoy the event. It was just what she wanted. Something we all could enjoy where the spotlight was only on her for about three minutes. Thanks to all who wrote why we love Jen. She must have read the book five times:)

TTFN, Jeremy

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's New

We have not been up to much this week! Jen's tank has been on empty all week once she gets home. Ryan has been doing well! We went to visit our friends today. We had to drop off a birthday present. Ryan played for a bit. We are as always looking forward to the weekend. Ryan and I usually enjoy pancakes, while Jen gets the much needed rest. Ryan and I then go to gymnastics! We love jumping in the foam pit. He could do that all day if we let him! He is a pro at the forward roll and pretending he is spiderman (having he feet crawl up the wall while his hands are on the floor).

Monday, November 10, 2008


I have heard some feedback and all positive! So I know what everyone wants, pix of Ryan. So here you go!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It all begins!

Well I am hoping this is the first of many posts.
Being the beginning of November there is not much going on in the Skura house hold.
I'm home after school, which everyone likes!
Jen is feeling OK. She has made it through the first trimester:) She is still a bit tired at the end of the day, but who isn't.
Ryan is wonderful! He helped Uncle Tom and Aunt JJ move in to their new house this past week (only 15 minutes away!). He is getting quiet the sense of humor. Ryan also is enjoying school. We run into each other from time to time in the hallway. Finally, Ryan is obsessed with Lightening McQueen. We watch a little of it each day. He drives all his L. M. the cars around on his L. M. carpet and sleeps with his L. M. PJ's on.
Look for more to come later! I'll have pix up soon too!