Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The City Museum

This picture sums up Ry's day at The City Museum. This museum is filled with tunnels and anything else a five year old could ask for! I tried my best to keep up, but I could not fit everywhere Ry could. Ryan was playing/sliding so hard he burnt a hold through his shorts which had two layers. He also has burns on his back and side from all the sliding.
Kate on the other hand did not enjoy herself as much. We started out on the roof which had a bus hanging over the building (picture below), a two-three story slide, and and Farris wheel. All of us enjoyed the roof. Then we went inside and went into the dark. This is where Kate did enjoy the museum. It was too dark, too loud, and the steps were too big for her. So after lunch her and Jen left to go take a nap.

The craziest part of the day is when we were on the roof and we ran into the Seward's (a football coach who lives around the block from us). We ran into them throughout the day, and Ry and Ben played in a "skate park" for about 45 minutes.

After Kate and Jen woke up they picked us up and we went swimming at the hotel pool. Next we had a pizza picnic in the hotel room. The pizza was less then the best:(

We have not been outside much due to the heat, 100+.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Up, Up, and Away

Our trip to St. Louis started off great. The car drive was great! Ry and Kate enjoyed watching movies and munching on snacks! Traffic was not too back and our directions were perfect.

Our only problem was that we arrived 90 minutes before check in. So we spent that time wandering around Arch Museum.

After checking in we headed back to the Arch. This time to go to the top. Again Ry and Kate enjoyed the trip up the elevator. I have to admit that I was a bit scared about going up, but I managed to go. We all enjoyed looking out the windows, especially straight down!

More to come....