Saturday, June 20, 2009

A LONG two months

1st of all looking back it is hard to believe that I have not written a post since Ryan's birthday back in February. A few things have happened since then. You will notice the slide shows on the right showing you what we have been up to.

Kate is doing extremely well. She is trying awful hard to be a great sleeper at night. Sometimes she is makes her mother proud and other times not. She is smiling and one would think laughing at her brother. Ryan is great with her. He will lie next to her and repeat whatever Jen or I say. He really loves her (let's hope it stays that way!).

So far this summer so far we have made it out to the zoo. Ryan determined that the dragon there is a good dragon. He also liked watching the lemurs, zebras, and of course those crazy penguins. Next time who knows what he will like. Kate slept through the entire trip cozied up next to dad in the baby bjorn.

Ryan received his first set of golf clubs. We have bee out to Zionsville Golf Course a couple times to play. I am not sure if he likes riding in the cart or hitting the ball more? We have a blast doing it!

Friday, June 19, we surprised Ryan by going to, A Day Out With Thomas, in the scenic Connersville, IN. He LOVED it ALL! We saw Thomas pull into the station and got to ride on one of his passenger cars. While there there were many things to do such as, riding a small train, shop in the gift shop, watch Thomas movies in the AC of the depot (Jen and my favorite), and there was a petting zoo. Ryan worked the nerve to ride a pony. He had a blast, but Jen got sneezed on by one horse and peed on by another. Kate and I watched from the shade:)

That is what we have been up to so far this summer!

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