Sunday, March 7, 2010


We (Jen, Ry, & Kate) are finally getting over being sick! Kate is getting some new teeth. She currently has 2 on the bottom and now her right fang has popped through and her other fang & front 2 are on their way! This is making her miserable. She is also getting better at crawling on all 4's. She can also pull her self up to her feet!

Ry and I went to the Jr. Achievement Center Saturday night to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He has been to a play there before (The Isty Bitsy Spider, only 30 minutes long). Charlie lasted 90 minutes. He was great. He was squirming around most of the time, but he enjoyed the songs and when Verruca and Mr. Salt fell down the "hole".

We have been getting outside as much as we can! Kate loves her swing and Ry cannot decide what to do outside. We usually go on the glider, play soccer, or chase each other around.

Until next time, enjoy the weather, when you can!

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