Monday, February 22, 2010

Ryan turns 4

Wow, when I was writing the title I almost put 3. A wise person said the days are long and the years are short. I can recall 4 years ago getting the phone call from Jen telling me it is time. Now I cannot imagine our lives without him!

Ry as usual made out like a bandit for his birthday. His favorite gift is Sodor Steam Works. It is a Thomas set. There is a part where trains enter and they can be spun upside down and then be "worked" on. We (Ry and I) love playing with it. He also added to his pezz collection with a Thomas, James, & Percy pezz dispenser. A new comforter was another gift he received. He sure had a fun day! He got chicken nuggets, apple slices, & milk for lunch. He at the lunch at an indoor playground, & we went to eat dinner at Pizza King (imagine that, the went somewhere with trains). We loved making his birthday so special!

Kate is getting the hang crawling! Just this past week her speed has increased quite a bit. She is into EVERYTHING! We are going to have our hands busy keeping her occupied and not crawling over to the cords. She is eating bits and pieces of table food, I believe her favorites are cheese pizza and bananas. The adorable girl tries to take bits of the whole banana, but since she has no top teeth she cannot get a piece to come off!

Till next time, smile and laugh every day!

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