Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day!

As usual when I received the call that school had been canceled, I had already left home and was in line at Starbucks picking up some coffee (whole bean!). I went into school and dropped off my lunch and picked up a few items and was on my way home. I got back at about 6:15. The kicker was I set my alarm back expecting a delay, but I was awoken by a snow plow taking care of our curve. Sure they do not come during the day when there is 6 in of snow, but they can sure make a whole bunch of noise @ 5:00am:(

Like clock work Ry woke up 7:02 (the rest of the world 7:18). We make biscuits (the frozen kind). After breakfast we played, Jen ran, then I ran, and Ry and Jen watch Ry's favorite shows. Then the fun began. I finally got to use my snow blower. This past weekend the snow was too wet to use a snow blower. So Ry and I completed 3 driveways and then I got to pull him around on his sled. At one point he did a face plant in snow and he was covered, I chuckled a bit, but he did not believe it was funny.

Kate is fighting a nap hard core. She only napped for 30 minutes this morning and we have now been trying for over an hour to put her to sleep. I can hear the squeaking of the rocker as I type.

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