Sunday, January 24, 2010

Round 1 had us almost down and out

It all started last Friday when Kate felt a bit warm. The fever was here. Jen took her in to see the doc on Monday and come to find out she had an ear infection and the crupe (cough). Kate got her first taste of the pink stuff (fond memories). Saturday (a week later) was her first day of being back to normal, happy, smiling, laughing, pooping, well you get the picture. Jen and I both agree it is sure nice to have our baby back to normal.

Who caught what from Kate. Ry's nose is like a faucet that will not turn off. We can handle that because that is all he has going on! Jen and I were blessed with sore throats. It is amazing how the immune system works. Kate gets the full spectrum and everyone else gets one aliment.

Thank goodness it is almost over. Hopefully in Round 2 we can throw some punches.

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