Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas, Oh what a time!

Jen's family was here on Christmas Eve and we had a great time! Ry received a whole bunch of toys. His favorites are the Handy Manny tool box and his Thomas and Friends trains, we also like the mikey mouse card game. Our family received a Wii and we have had hours of fun already! Even Jen plays it, which I never thought she would. She loves the Wii fit. I have just enjoyed the balance games so far, but I want to get into the yoga.

Christmas morning was terrific! I was in the playroom when Ry woke up. He noticed that there were different types of wrapping paper and he read the note Santa left, that is the way he knew that Santa came. Ry LOVED opening up all his presents! He got loads more trains, a kitchen, trios (like Lego's), a snow shovel, and some clothes. He had a typical reaction when he opened those boxes.

Kate had a blast watching Ry open all of his and her presents. Of course she got a whole bunch of clothes. She also got some toys that she can chew on.

Christmas afternoon we went up to my parents and had dinner with the family. My brother deep fried a turkey and it was terrific, my mom made a venison roast and as usual it was yummy! I have never had turkey so juicy. Ry still got a soccer ball, a Thomas tent, and more trains. We have enough trains to last us quiet a while.

The days following Christmas have been great. Ry and I shoveled the driveway and built a little ramp to jump on his sled. He tried out his new gloves that have sleeves on them, no snow got in his hands!

For New Year's Eve, we are headed over to the Wleklinski's for dinner and an early countdown. I know that Jen and I will probably not make it until midnight. I know Jen will be in bed by about 9:30 or so, and I probably will be falling asleep on the couch trying to make it to midnight. I can remember the day when I cared about staying up until midnight. Oh, how times change when you have children who do not care how late you stayed up, because they are waking up at the same time no matter what!

Enjoy the pictures and look forward to more posts next year!

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