Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's getting closer

If anyone needs to be reminded of the pure joy a child can feel at Christmas all you need to do is come over when Ry gets out of bed. Two years ago the Schillaci (I have had 3 of their 4 children) family gave us an Elf on the Shelf. The elf, who Ry named Freddie travels every night to the north pole to report to Santa on how nice or naughty Ry has been (of course he is always nice). When Freddie flies back in the morning he is in a different place. That Freddie always finds the best places to watch Ryan. For example he was sitting in the middle of our knife holder, hanging from our kitchen light, chilling with the bananas, and dangling from the doorknob on the pantry. So after we take care of the morning business upstairs it is a mad dash downstairs to find Freddie. We love the smile on Ry's face when he finds Freddie!

Last Sunday the family had brunch with Santa and an elf @ Kincaid's in Clay Terrace. Kate was not bashful at all sitting on the big guy's lap, but Ry on the other hand would not even look at Santa. I have to ask my mom if I did the same thing, and I have a feeling that I did. Ry did get his list to Santa. Ryan was nice enough to include what Kate wants on his list also, he is such a terrific big brother.

Jen is finished teaching...for this year. She gets a nice 3 week vacation. I have another week to go before I get to enjoy the family all day everyday! In the past I have dreaded that week, but we have the students working their tails off creating a movie trailer for the book they just read, so they will be too busy to get into trouble!

It is about time for Ry to wake up, So long for now!

1 comment:

Elijah said...

I think it is very cool of you, Mr. Skura, to put the elf for Ryan.