Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hip Hip Horray for Christmas Vacation!

It is here, well a bit into it, but it is still here. Everyone loves stay at home days! Since we have been on break here is what we have been up to:

Ry and Jen went to see the Itsy Bitsy spider, a story telling thearer in the Junior Achievemetn Center. A woman dressed up like a spider and told some stories. Ry really enjoyed it. He watched in his PJ's and enjoyed some animal crackers and juice while listening.

Ry and I went to the Library and saw the Polar Express crusing around the track. He was excited to be there when it was going. It only runs for 1 hr per day. While there we also picked up some Thomas the Train and Curious George books.

The whole family went to the indoor park at Trader Point. While there we watched Ry play and we had a picnic lunch.

Jen and Ry on Tuesday made and decorated sugar cookies, they are terrific. Today (Wednesday) Jen and Ry made Peanut Butter cookies. I helped a little, I figured out how to operate the cookie press. They are even better than the sugar cookies.

We are getting ready to host the Weyer family, for lunch on Christmas Eve. The family is excited about everyone coming over. On Christmas we will be going up to Grandma and Papa Skura's.

Ry cannot wait until Santa comes. Jen and I cannot decide whether to meet Ry in the playroom where Santa will come or hear him screaming and yelling down the hall after he discovers Santa came. I'll let you know on the next post!

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